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Tourism in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone has it all when it comes to tourism. The wildlife reserve, history, culture, people, and a homely climate. So, despite the troubles of civil war faced by Sierra Leone, it still remains a must-see for tourists that love nature, wildlife and African culture. Let us introduce you to Tiwai Wildlife Reserve and the Colorful Birds of Moa River.

Nicknamed the wildlife sanctuary, Tiwai Island located along the Moa River serves as the preserving abode of eighty animal species. Amongst other species , it comprises of very few dwarf hippos and eleven rare primate species. Here you will find, one of world’s highest primate concentration.

The island is not just a unique wildlife reserve, but also one of Sierra Leone’s first ecotourist centers. So, it helps generate revenue benefits to locals and communities within its region.

Walking through the trails will lead you deep into the native forests. There are lots of chimpanzees, Diana monkeys cavort, and red colobus all making playful displays from trees to trees.

If you’re in search of adventure, a hike to the Niahun cave takes you to the bat’s domain. People believe that they can have a quiet time with the spirits here. On the northern end is the brown water beach shore, or a boat tour through the mild tide Moa river. Here you can explore the colorful sight of 135 unique birds’ species.

It is a comfortable camp with the dome huts under-shelter and a reduces sun rays light supply. All of these makes the fun and adventure of Tiwai a memorable experience. So, the best time to visit Sierra Leone is during the dry season from November to May.

For more information about tourism in Sierra Leone, click here. Sierra Leoneans residing abroad can shop vendors in Sierra Leone and have family members pick up.

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